Holland to make IPSC shooting sports illegal?

From our friends at the Lone Star Shooting Association


Dear friends,

Please read the following about a new law proposed for Holland.  And please answer the Call to Arms.

Call to Arms

In military terms a Call to Arms is an urgent request for action when one’s comrade has an immediate need for help. It is time to drop whatever you are doing, pick up your firearm and go to their aid.

There is a new law proposed for Holland that would make IPSC shooting sports illegal. In fact this law would make all dynamic shooting sports illegal. This proposed law will come up for vote in a few of weeks so time is short. If the anti-gunners are successful in taking law abiding citizens’ freedoms away by passing this law, then the rest of the European Union will surely follow suit and take away the freedoms of even more citizens.

The NPSA is the body that governs IPSC shooting in Holland. Mr. Kees Quichelaar, Regional Director and Eduard Rodrigas, chairman of the NPSA committee need our help to fight against this proposed law.

Why, you ask, should I be concerned about Holland losing their freedom to participate in action shooting sports? You should be concerned because it is a step towards you losing your freedom to shoot the sport you like. Anti-gun proponents will not stop with just shutting down a shooting sport in the Netherlands. It will spread like wildfire through the European Union and the Americas.

The Lone Star Shooting Association (LSSA) is committed to helping our IPSC brothers in Holland. Mr. Saul Kirsch, General Manager Double-Alpha Academy B.V., has posted an on-line petition located on The Truth About Guns website.   Please go there and add your name in support of this battle against loss of freedom.

Click here to sign the petition.

FISAT has named this action “Broken Arrow.”

Act now.  Our brothers in arms need our help.


Gary W. Burris